“Thermo-Hydromechanics and Complex Transfer Processes in Fluid Flows”: bridging the gap between theory and practice

Svarbiausios | 2024-04-30

Applying complex theory in practice can often seem like a daunting task. KTU publishing house Technologija has published a new methodology handbook Thermo-Hydromechanics and Complex Transfer Processes in Fluid Flows which aims to help students bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and the real world. The authors of this handbook – Juozas Gudzinskas, Dr. Monika Maziukienė, Dr. Habil. Gintautas Miliauskas, and Dr. Robertas Poškas – have put together a comprehensive guide which allows students to apply and test their knowledge practically.

This handbook contains practical and laboratory works covering topics such as thermohydromechanics, heat and mass transfer, thermokinetics, and fluid flow. By conducting these works, students will learn to perform experiments, analyze materials, and make conclusions.

This resource is intended for students at KTU who are studying Thermohydromechanics, Heat and Mass Transfer, Thermokinetics and other related modules in the first and the second cycles of studies. PhD students in the field of Energetics and Power Engineering will also find this book beneficial for their scholarly and professional development.

The book can be read on the ebooks.ktu.edu platform.